Who, what, when, where, why?
Aceasta pagina cuprinde, in general, prezentari facute la cursurile de teledetectie, S.I.G., geomatica s.a. pe parcursul anilor. O intitulez "Sinteze..." pentru ca majoritatea continuturilor au fost culese in carti sau pe internet. Simpla consultare a acestor prezentari este doar o introducere sumara in continuturile temelor respective; deci, studierea cartilor si site-urilor recomandate ca bibliografie este mai mult decat necesara... In fine, prezentarea sintezelor este aproape pur in ordine alfabetica si nu reflecta nici ordinea si nici totalitatea tematicii cursurilor....
- analiza spatiala
- clasificarea imaginilor
- fluxuri de lucru in S.I.G.
- ce este un S.I.G.
- interpretarea imaginilor
- operatii pe harti
- baze de date
- procesarea imaginilor
- proiectii cartografice
- sisteme satelitare
- spatii colorimetrice
- spectrul electromagnetic
- structuri de date spatiale
- surse de date
- teledetectie (definitie si istoric)
N.B.: Atentie, combinatiile de benzi spectrale Landsat din prezentarile si tutorialele personale respecta nomenclatorul satelitilor TM si ETM+
In cazul utilizarii datelor Landsat 8 sau 9, va rugam sa consultati noua nomenclatura a canalelor! Pentru comparatie, vizitati urmatorul link sau acesta
In cazul utilizarii datelor Landsat 8 sau 9, va rugam sa consultati noua nomenclatura a canalelor! Pentru comparatie, vizitati urmatorul link sau acesta
In cazul utilizarii datelor satelitilor Sentinel-2, pentru a facilita comparatia intre acestia si Landsat, va rugam sa consultati nomenclatura comparativa a canalelor.
Pentru mai multe informatii si comparatii cu alte sisteme satelitare, consultati si Current and near-term advances in Earth observation for ecological applications (Ustin and Middleton Ecological Processes (2021) 10:1 https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-020-00255-4)
Aceasta sectiune se refera indeosebi la sectiile care au prevazuta o jumatate de semestru de geomatica. Din aceste motive, activitatea la cursuri dar si la laborator trebuie extrem de concentrata. Programele utilizate la laborator sunt: Google Earth, Global Mapper, TNTmips, QGIS, ArcGIS, ENVI. Astfel, la finalul semestrului, fiecare student are obligatia sa stapaneasca urmatoarele 10 proceduri, indiferent de combinatia, la alegere, a programelor utilizate:
- conversia fisierelor raster si vector georeferentiate (import/export) in Google Earth, Global Mapper, QGIS si TNTmips
- georeferentierea prin corespondenta in Global Mapper, QGIS si TNTmips
- editarea vectorilor in Google Earth (editare on-line), QGIS si TNTmips (editare off-line)
- editarea elementara a vectorilor in Global Mapper sau QGIS (crearea geometriei si adaugarea unui singur atribut, combine)
- extractia din fisiere raster (in TNTmips sau QGIS) si vector (TNTmips, QGIS si Global Mapper) pe baza de masca vector (TNTmips, QGIS, Global Mapper), atribut (Global Mapper, Google Earth) sau a extensiei spatiale (Global Mapper)
- efectuarea unei interogari simple dupa atribut (search) in baza de date (Global Mapper)
- cautarea, selectarea si descarcarea imaginilor satelitare de pe portaluri de date
- afisarea datelor raster, ajustarea contrastului imaginilor raster, ajustarea stilului de afisare a datelor vectoriale
- crearea unui compozit color (TNTmips, QGIS sau ArcGIS), ameliorare vizuala prin pansharpening, calcularea NDVI si exportul acestora in format *.kmz
- redimensionarea imaginilor raster (resample) si filtre spatiale
- exercitii de interpretare a imaginilor aeriene si satelitare
- clasificarea imaginilor satelitare
- crearea unui layout simplu de harta (titlu, legenda, scara grafica, caroiaj, autor) intr-un singur program, la alegere (QGIS, Global Mapper sau ArcGIS, eventual TNTmips)
Materiale complementare pentru curs si lucrari practice de teledetectie si SIG
Teledetectia: definitie, istoric, aplicatii si perspective
- Misiuni NASA
- NASA ARSET (Applied Rmote Sensing Training Program)
- NASA Scientific Visualization Studio
- Climate Drivers
- Shifting Distribution of Land Temperature Anomalies, 1951-2020
- Copernicus EU playlists
- What is the Copernicus Programme? Copernicus EU (6')
- Research and User Suport / RUS portal Copernicus
- What is Remote Sensing? (5') CIRES Waleed Abdalati and Steve Nerem
- Tiny satellites that photograph the entire planet, every day | Will Marshall, ted.com (8')
- NASA 1958 - 2100 (Timelapse of past & future technology)
- Escape Velocity - A Quick History of Space Exploration
- The Evolution of Space Rockets | 1944-2023
- The Evolution of Space Rockets
- How rockets are made - Rocket Factory Tour with Tory Bruno CEO of ULA
- Up Close Delta IV Heavy Launch Pad Tour with Tory Bruno CEO of ULA
Structuri de date
Software si aplicatii pentru dispozitive mobile pentru teledetectie si procesarea imaginilor
- ArcGIS Imagery & Remote Sensing, ESRI Events (7')
Radiatia si spectrul electromagnetic
- Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (NASA Science) (video 32')
- Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum (video 5')
- Anatomy of an Electromagnetic Wave
- Wave Behaviors
- Visualization: From Energy to Image
- Radio Waves (video 4')
- Microwaves (video 3')
- Infrared Waves (video 5')
- Reflected Near-Infrared Waves (video 5')
- Visible Light (video 5')
- Ultraviolet Waves (video 4')
- X-Rays (video 3')
- Gamma Rays (video 4')
- Earth's Radiation Budget
- Optical remote sensing: Image formation, Albert VanDijk (9')
- Mapping the Invisible: Introduction to Spectral Remote Sensing, NEON Science (6')
- Remote sensing basics, Crooked Contours (28')
- Digital Number, Radiance, and Reflectance, L3Harris Geospatial Solutions (8')
- Spectral signatures, Tristan Goodbody (7')
- Inside digital image chips, Al Williams
- How Satellite Works (Animation) (13')
- From Pixels to Products: An Overview of Satellite Remote Sensing (52')
- Why Space Probes Still Use Black & White Cameras in the 21st Century (16')
- NASA Earth Observing Fleet (August 2021)
- ESA Sentinel Online Missions
- Remote Sensing Image Analysis and Interpretation: Introduction to Remote Sensing (49')
- How Does The James Webb Space Telescope Work? (30')
- The Insane Engineering of James Webb Telescope (31')
Sisteme satelitare
- How Many Satellites are orbiting around Earth in 2022? Geospatial World (2')
- A Planetary Perspective: With Landsat and Google Earth Engine, Google Earth (5')
- Landsat: Celebrating 50 Years, USGS (5', short)
- Landsat: Celebrating 50 Years, USGS (21', long)
- Landsat Launches - Looking Back, USGS (3') (1-9)
- USGS EROS: Celebrating 50 Years of Excellence, USGS (27')
- 25 Years of Landsat 5, NASA Video (3') (Landsat 5 1984-2013, USGS)
- Daily Operations of Landsat 7, USGS (5')
- Landsat 8 - A Decade of Service, NASA Goddard (10')
- 9 Things About Landsat 9, NASA Goddard (6')
- Landsat Next Defined, NASA Goddard (11')
- From Pixels to Products: An Overview of Satellite Remote Sensing, NASA Earthdata (52')
- Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, Copernicus EU (6')
- Introducing the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, ESA (4')
- Empowering Change: Exploring the Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, Copernicus EU (4')
- Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem, Copernicus EU ()
- 25 years of Copernicus, ESA, (6')
- Access to Copernicus Data: Using the ESA SciHub Navigators, Copernicus EU (6')
- IRIS²: the new EU Secure Satellite Constellation, Copernicus EU (2')
Surse de imagini satelitare si criterii de selectare a acestora
- Know your Landsat: Understanding and Accessing Landsat Data, NASA Earthdata (1h17')
- Downloading Landsat 8 images from USGS EarthExplorer, Leonardo Uieda (9')
- Access to Copernicus Data: Overview and Introduction, Copernicus EU (15')
- Downloading Sentinel Imagery Via Copernicus Open Access Hub, Remmel Geoinformatics Lab (10')
- How to access Copernicus Sentinel-3 data, Eumetsat (6')
Spatii colorimetrice si compozitii color
- What is colour? - Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (4')
- Color Only Exists In Your Brain! Marc Séguin (6')
- Colour Mixing: The Mystery of Magenta The Royal Institution (6')(6')
- What Is Color? | Physics in Motion (10')
- Optical remote sensing: image visualisation ANU (8')
- Optical remote sensing: image formation ANU (9')
- What color is the Sun? (html)
- Landsat 8: Band by Band, NASA Scientific Visualization Studio (3')
- Remote Sensing - Band Combinations Tim Eichner (11')
- Natural and False Color Composites, HSU (html)
- Band combinations for Landsat 8, ESRI (html)
- Rasters, Multi-Band Rasters and RGB display, Middlebury Remote Sensing (16')
- Exploring Sentinel-2 multi-spectral band combinations in SNAP, GEARS (30')
- The Physics and Psychology of Colour - with Andrew Hanson, The Royal Institution (37')
- Why Do We See Colors? But why? (10')
- What is color? - Colm Kelleher, TED-Ed (4')
- Light waves, visible and invisible - Lucianne Walkowicz, TED-Ed (6')
- How Did We Figure Out What Light Is? Be Smart (8')
- What If We Could See Nature In Infrared? Be Smart (11')
- Composition colorée
Ameliorarea si procesarea imaginilor satelitare
- Image Pre-processing Overview, Karen Joyce (10')
- 2D Convolution Explained: Fundamental Operation in Computer Vision (6')
- Calculate NDVI from Sentinel 2 and reclassify in QGIS (10') (portal USGS)
- Downloading and preprocessing Sentinel 2 images using the Semi-Classification Plugin in QGIS 3.0 (19') (portal Copernicus)
- History of the Pixel as Fast As Possible, Techquickie (5')
- Optical remote sensing: image characteristics ANU (9')
- Image Size and Resolution Explained, 2-Minute Design (3')
- Resolution and print sizes explained, Matt Granger (8')
- What are Pixels and how do they work? Lemme Lime (2')
- How Colour Depth Affects Image Quality as Fast As Possible, Techquickie (2')
- Corrections géométriques et radiométriques
- CNN (Convolutional Neuronal Network), Uncomplicating Tech (1', 10')
- Learn the fundamentals of image interpretation. Explore and make sense of satellite and aerial imagery, Gerald Kinn
- ArcGIS Image Exploitation and Geospatial Analysis, Esri Events (17')
- Cloud Masking, Image Mosaic, and Land Cover Change Location Luca Congedo (17')
- QGIS Tutorial 014 || How to Merge Overlapped Raster Bands || How to Clip Study Area || DoIT New (16')
- Mosaic Of Band Sets Of Landsat-8 Satellite Image & Bands Combination(FCC/SFCC) In QGIS Learning QGIS With JD (20')
- Image classification - Crooked Contours (37')
- Land Cover Classification using the Semi-Automatic Classification Plugin version 7 - Luca Congedo (26')
- Supervised Classification of Sentinel-2 Images, Luca Congedo (29')
- Landsat 8 Image Classification using QGIS, GeoDelta Labs (32')
- Land use classification of Sentinel 2A, L-8 & L-7 image in ArcGIS | A complete guide on LULC (59')
- NASA ARSET: Introduction to Land Cover Classification and QGIS, Part 1/2
- NASA ARSET: Improving a Supervised Land Cover Classification, Part 2/2
Geomatica si SIG
- ESRI 01 - Ce este GIS ?, ESRI (20xx, 3') (2017, 1') (2024, 9')
- What is Geomatics?, Specialspatial (1')
- What is GIS? A Guide to Geographic Information Systems, Spatial Zone (9')
- ESRI A (Very) Brief History of GIS (2024, 6')
- What is Geomatics Engineering? (..., 5')
- Introduction to GIS (Geographic Information Systems) (1h39')
Software si aplicatii mobile pentru procesarea datelor geospatiale
- QGIS Klass Karlsson Tutorials playlist
- QGIS 3 for Absolute Beginners, Klass Karlsson (33')
- An Absolute Beginner's Guide to QGIS 3, GeoDelta Labs (1h11')
- ESA Echoes in Space, Tutorials playlist, EO College
- RUS Copernicus training videos
- Comparing ArcGIS Desktop and QGIS, eGIS Associates (44')
- ArcGIS vs QGIS: Which is best in 2020? AMDGS (33')
- Spatial Data Science - A Tour, Esri Events (1h26')
- Introducing ArcGIS Platform, ArcGIS (2')
- ArcGIS Platform Launch Event, ArcGIS (48')
- Imagery and Raster Data in ArcGIS - An Introduction, ArcGIS (1h11')
- Programming with Mosh (YouTube channel)
Mai multe resurse:
ANU Centre for Water and Landscape Dynamics (RS series, Albert van Dijk & David Summers)
Resurse pentru disciplina Administratia mediului in Romania [<!-- In constructie... -->]
Structurile politico-administrative cu atributii in reglementarea si monitorizarea problemelor de mediu
Structuri supranaționale europene
Structuri naționale
Teme europene prioritare 2019-2024
A European Green Deal
The European Soil Data Centre (ESDAC)
The Circular economy
Legislație europeană
Legislație națională
Legislație generală
Legislație specifică
Surse de date
Search: environment data sets, Copernicus landcover map, Esri landcover map
Aplicații de mediu pentru dispozitive mobile
The Royal Institution (playlist)