"The world, it should not come as a surprise,
is filled with people who want desperately to learn."
is filled with people who want desperately to learn."
Christopher M. Kelty, 2012
Associate Professor of Information Studies and Anthropology
University of California, Los Angeles
Bibliografie | Date | Programe | Link-uri | Tutoriale | Imagini | Survival kit... | Po(z)na
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Teledetectie si SIG (resurse bibliografice generale)
Alte resurse bibliografice importante
Vibliografie practică
Bibliografie facultativa
Cartografie cu elemente de geomatica (resurse bibliografice pentru filiera francofona)
Explorer d'anciennes cartes via Google Earth (la Collection David Rumsey) (4')
David Rumsey Historical Maps
L'Antisèche/ Des cartes pour comprendre le monde (13')
TV France 3/ Cartographie (27')
TV Arte/ L'art de la cartographie (26')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Rotation de ta terre (18')
TV France 3/ Géologie de la France (27')
TV France 3/ Histoire du climat (27')
Les premiers pas en QGIS (23')
Randonner Malin / Tutoriel JavaScript : Carte interactive en SVG (27')
DATE ajutatoare
LINK-uri Geo-spatial.org http://www.geo-spatial.org
Google Maps Devellopers (GMD)
Google Earth (GE) si Global Mapper (GM)
...si din adancurile apelor...
Va rugam sa lecturati si ghidul de supravietuire...
Po(z)na de moment :) (top)
Ultimele cutremure din Romania si magnitudinea lor, near real-time, ca m-am saturat de titlurile infecte din media. Faceti zoom si dati click in bulina care falfaie cu rosu (restul, mai spalacite, sunt cutremurele din ultimele 14 zile). Sursa: EMSC-CSEM
Last 2 weeks of seismicity in KML
Vremea in Europa (infrarosu)
Vremea in Europa (precipitatii)
Statia Spatiala Internationala
- An Introductory Textbook - Principles of Geographical Information Systems, 2001, ITC
- An Introductory Textbook - Principles of Remote Sensing, 2001, ITC
- ESA Remote Sensing Principles (on-line)
- ESA TIGER Initiative (on-line)
- Landsat Science (on-line)
- NASA Remote Sensing Tutorial (on-line)
- The Map Academy (on-line)
- Notiuni fundamentale de teledetectie la Centrul Canadian de Teledetectie (in engleza sau franceza)
- Petit guide de la Télédétection (Belgian Earth Observation)
- What is Remote Sensing? NASA Earth Data (on-line)
- Remote Sensors, NASA Earth Data (on-line)
- Brief Introduction to Remote Sensing
- Remote Sensing and Image Interpretation, Lillesand et al., 2015, Wiley, 7th ed.
- Geographic Information Systems and Science, 2015, Longley et al., Wiley, 4th ed.
- Introduction to Remote Sensing - McGoodwin.Net
- Humboldt State University Geospatial Science Courses (index)
- What is Remote Sensing? The Definitive Guide GISGeography.com +
- USGS Publication: 2019 Commercial Satellite Imagery Evaluation (pdf)
- Dictionar explicativ de teledetectie si sisteme informationale geografice, 1998, Donisa et al., Junimea
- Geospatial Analysis - A comprehensive guide, 2013, Smith et al, The Winchelsea Press, 4th ed. (on-line)
- Basics of Geomatics, 2009, Gomarasca, Springer
- The ESRI Guide to GIS Analysis, Mitchell A., 2005, ESRI Press
- Essential image processing and GIS for Remote Sensing, 2009, Liu, Wiley
- Learning ArcGIS Pro 2: A beginner's guide to creating 2D and 3D maps and editing geospatial data with ArcGIS Pro, 2020, Corbin Tripp, Gisp, Packt Puplishing
- Basic GIS Coordinates, 2004, Van Sickle, CRC Press
- Principles of Map Design, 2010, Tyner, Guilford Press
- Fundamentals of GIS, 1999, Lusch, Michigan State University
- USACE Engineering and design (ch. 2), 2003
- Manual of Geographic Information Systems (ch. 29), 2009, Madden, ASPRS
- The GIS Primer – An Introduction to Geographic Information Systems, 1997, Buckley, Innovative GIS .com
- Physical Geography (ch. 2), McKnight et al., Pearson, 8th ed
- Glossario Trilingue di Telerilevamento
- Penn State University Remote Sensing Glossary
- NRCAN Testez vos habilités en interprétation d'images
- UNL Remote Sensing Glossary
- Crafting geoinformation. The art and science of Earth observation, GEO, 2010
- Integrated Geospatial Education and Technology Training (iGETT)
Alte resurse bibliografice importante
- ESA Eduspace
- The Earth Observation Handbook, 2011, CEOS ESA (pdf)
- The Future Impact of GIS Technology Revealed | Jack Dangermond (2', ESRI, 2024)
- ESRI 01 - Ce este GIS ? (1/1, 3', v.1 2010) (1/1, 1', v.2 2017) (1/1, 9', v.3 2024)
- ESRI A (Very) Brief History of GIS (6', 2024)
- Geospatial technologies : GIS, remote sensing and GPS (5', Geospatial Tools, 2023)
- Jack Dangermond: An ever-evolving map of everything on Earth | TED Countdown (6', 2021)
- WPSU Geospatial Revolution (1 14', 2 15', 3 15', 4 18', 5 22') +
- Harvard Map Collection - Ce este GIS ? (1/3, 2/3, 3/3)
- ESRI BIM and GIS: An Introduction (v.1 2019, 1h5')
- What is Geomatics? (28", v.1 2020)
- What Is GIS? A Guide to Geographic Information Systems (8', Spatial Zone)
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Fundamentals (27', 2020)
- What is Spatial Analysis? (Explained in 1 Minute) (2', Felt, 2024)
- Revolutionizing Hurricane Response with Mapping and Remote Sensing (2', ESRI, 2024)
- Why I quit Esri (and how you can too) (10', Matt Forrest, 2024)
- What is remote sensing? (3', Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum)
- Introduction to the Electromagnetic Spectrum NASA (1/8, 2/8, 3/8, 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8, 8/8)
- NASA - Tour of the Electromagnetic Spectrum (32')
- From Pixels to Products: An Overview of Satellite Remote Sensing (52')
- Middlebury Remote Sensing
- Remote Sensing series Albert VanDijk
- Wikipedia (colectie de articole...)
- Multimedia GIS
- Beyond Mapping (columns appearing in GeoWorld magazine 1996 to 2009)
- Architecture Site Analysis with AI: No GIS Knowledge Required! (8', LandSpace Architecture, 2022)
- ArcGIS Reality Studio | Creating a 3D City (4', ESRI, 2023)
- AR for GIS (4')
- Google Earth: A Planetary Perspective: With Landsat and Google Earth Engine
- Géo Tech: How to extract water shape river from Landsat 8 OLI using ArcGIS
- Jere Folgert: Introduction to GIS
- Russel G. Congalton: Select the Best Imagery for Your Remote Sensing Project
- Usman Buhari: ArcMap 10.2: Landsat Band Composite and NDVI Calculation
- Remote Sensing - Band Combinations
- Tim Eichner: Remote Sensing - Band Combinations
- Neon Science: Mapping the Invisible: Introduction to Spectral Remote Sensing
- Neon Science: Introduction to Hyperspectral Remote Sensing: A Presentation
- ESRI Learn ArcGIS Lesson Gallery (The Power of Smart Maps in Times of Crises)
- GIscience ArcMap 10.X Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Tutorials (playlist)
- Creating 3D maps in QGIS (9', Jess Zimmerman)
- BlenderGIS (5', )
- NASA ARSET (Applied Remote Sensing Training Program & videos)
- RUS Copernicus Training channel videos
- ESERO (European Space Education Resource Office) Germany
- Middlebury Remote Sensing, 2023, fundamentals of air- and space-based remote sensing applied to geological and environmental problems
- Geospatial World, video channel for GIS, GPS, LiDAR, UAVs, BIM, Maps, Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Autonomous vehicles and more
- First Principles of Computer Vision, 2021, lecture series presented by Shree Nayar, T. C. Chang Professor of Computer Science in the School of Engineering at Columbia University
Bibliografie facultativa
- What is remote sensing ? on Youtube
- What is GIS ? on Youtube
- What is Geomatics ? on Youtube
- www.gistutor.com
- ESA Navipedia
- NASA: Pamantul ca arta (pdf)
- Earth from space (documentar on-line)
- Discovery Channel: Earth from space (documentar on-line)
- The Earth from Space (Piers Sellers, 2015)
- First All-Woman Spacewalk (documentar on-line, 2019)
- HOW IT WORKS: The International Space Station (documentar on-line, 2015)
- What I learned from going blind in space | Chris Hadfield
- Documentary GO (on-line)
Cartografie cu elemente de geomatica (resurse bibliografice pentru filiera francofona)
Explorer d'anciennes cartes via Google Earth (la Collection David Rumsey) (4')
David Rumsey Historical Maps
L'Antisèche/ Des cartes pour comprendre le monde (13')
TV France 3/ Cartographie (27')
TV Arte/ L'art de la cartographie (26')
Cartes et cartographie : représenter les mondes (2h.) Jean-Robert Pitte (min. 7'50" ... 31'45")
Relativité 4/ Comment sait-on que la Terre est ronde ? (13')
Relativité 4/ Comment sait-on que la Terre est ronde ? (13')
Comprendre les courbes de niveau (3')
La courbe de niveau pour les nuls (11')
Lecture d'une carte IGN (13')
ENS MOOC Cours de Cartographie thématiques SIG (playlist)
ENS MOOC Fond de carte et généralisation cartographique (10')
ENS MOOC Vivre la carte tout en la dessinant (7')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment localiser un lieu (11')
Guillaume Michel/ Comment lire et calculer des coordonnées géographiques ? (13')
La courbe de niveau pour les nuls (11')
Lecture d'une carte IGN (13')
ENS MOOC Cours de Cartographie thématiques SIG (playlist)
ENS MOOC Fond de carte et généralisation cartographique (10')
ENS MOOC Vivre la carte tout en la dessinant (7')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment localiser un lieu (11')
Guillaume Michel/ Comment lire et calculer des coordonnées géographiques ? (13')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment réaliser une coupe topographique (13')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment construire et analyser un diagramme triangulaire (14')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment passer des statistiques aux graphiques (16')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Réaliser un diagramme ombrothermique sur Calc (24')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment construire et analyser un diagramme triangulaire (14')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Comment passer des statistiques aux graphiques (16')
Nicolas Sougnez/ Réaliser un diagramme ombrothermique sur Calc (24')
Qu'est qu'un SIG ? (Google)
Qu'est-ce qu'un SIG ? (SIG-UNIL)
Systèmes d'information géographique (SIG) (Université d'Ottawa)
Système d'information géographique (Wikipedia.fr)
Introduction aux SIG (Philippe Amiotte-Suchet, Université de Bourgogne, playlist) (95')
Petit guide de la télédétection (fr.) (voir le sommaire et consulter les chapitres)
An Absolute Beginner's Guide to QGIS 3, GeoDelta Labs (1h11', eng.)
A Complete Beginner's Guide to ArcGIS Desktop (Part 1), GeoDelta Labs (1h1', eng.)
A Complete Beginner's Guide to ArcGIS Desktop (Part 2), GeoDelta Labs (45', eng.)
TV France 3/ Géologie de la France (27')
TV France 3/ Histoire du climat (27')
Les premiers pas en QGIS (23')
Randonner Malin / Tutoriel JavaScript : Carte interactive en SVG (27')
Homme dans l'espace: histoire d’une conquête (C'est pas sorcier) (27')
La conquête de l'univers (imineo Documentaires) (49')
Kourou, aux portes de l'espace (C'est pas sorcier) (26')
Lumieres et illusions (C'est pas sorcier) (26')
Le spectacle de la lumière : l'histoire des télescopes et des phénomènes lumineux de notre univers (imineo Documentaires) (25')
Le spectacle de la lumière : l'histoire des télescopes et des phénomènes lumineux de notre univers (imineo Documentaires) (25')
Satellites (C'est pas sorcier) (26')
La couleur existe seulement dans le cerveau! Marc Séguin (6')
Qu'est-ce qu'une couleur ? ScienceEtonnante (15')
Peut on "ajouter" les couleurs ? (Relativité 8 )(12')
Peut on "ajouter" les couleurs ? (Relativité 8 )(12')
Cartografie cu elemente de geomatica (resurse bibliografice pentru filiera anglofona si francofona)
Google and Bing next questions and follow the most authoritative links:
1a. What is cartography?
2a. What is the map?
2.b What is the definition of a map?
3. Which are the main components or elements of a map?
4a. How the maps are made?
4b. How are maps made?
Feel free to continue with your own questions, compare the results, draw a list o authoritative links produces by the search engines mentioned above and follow the links. At the end of each bundle of questions, write a short essay answering the questions you've asked. The essay must have references, including the links and references to any (!) other digital or analog resources used to write it.
A Brief History of Cartography and Maps - KnowledgeHusk (7')
What is Cartography? - ESRI (19') (What is ArcGIS? - ESRI UK, 3')
The biggest mistakes in mapmaking history - Kayla Wolf (5')
How We Mapped the World Before Satellites - KhAnubis (13')
How Leonardo da Vinci made a "satellite" map in 1502 - Vox (5') (Leonardo da Vinci - Bill Gates, 3')
How Did They Make Those Maps? - Robert Karrow (1h15')
A Brief History Of Cartography: How Our Ancestors Mapped The World - Timeline - World History Documentaries (1h24')
Map Making (1961) - British Pathé (4')
The Mapmaking Process (1973) - DOD PublicResourceOrg (37')
NGA Explains: What is Cartography? - National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (3')
Modern cartography and the 3D Map Revolution - Rachel Hwang (TEDx Talks) (17')
Why all world maps are wrong - Vox (6')
Can You Make an Accurate Map? - SciShow (5')
Looking Down a Well: A Brief History of Geodesy - NASA Goddard (3')
What are Geodetic Datums? - NOAA The COMET Program/MetEd (5')
GOCE: Geoid - ESA (5')
Cartography, Projections and Scales - Aviation Theory (10')
Map Projections - LizardTech University (15')
Introducing Coordinate Systems and Map Projections - ESRI (1h3')
The Frightening Future of Digital Maps - Monica Stephens (TEDx Talks) (8')
How the compass unlocked the world - David Biello (TED) (4')
How Do Compasses Work? - LiveScience (2')
Do Compasses Work In Antarctica? - PolarTREC (4')
DATE ajutatoare
- topo
- trapeze
- satelit
- exemple *.sml
- data.gov.ro
- EarthDEM
- LP DAAC Data Pathfinders
- NASA Earth Data Topics
- VIM (editare *.sml)
LINK-uri Geo-spatial.org http://www.geo-spatial.org
- caroiaje
- date complexe
- documente
- download
- date vectoriale generale
- tutoriale
- harti vechi
- vectori
- explorarea datelor
- utilizarea hartilor in GIS
- explorarea relatiei obiect - atribut spatial (1)
- explorarea relatiei obiect - atribut spatial (2)
- crearea unui layout de harta
- crearea unui layout de harta in revers
- cautarea locatiilor dupa coordonate
- masuratori pe harta
- utilizarea datelor raster si vector
- folosirea metadatelor
- crearea unei interogari
- efectuarea unei interogari pentru aflarea locatiei
- interogarea datelor pe baza atributelor si locatiilor
- folosirea intersectiei pentru analiza datelor spatiale
- folosirea buffer-ului
- analiza datelor cu instrumentele buffer si overlay
- rezolvarea problemelor cu ajutorul GIS
- ex 1: gasirea zonelor de deservire ale hotelurilor swf date rezultat
- explorarea interfetei
- afisarea imaginilor (1, 2)
- ameliorarea vizuala a imaginilor (1)
- extractii si rotatia imaginii
- regasirea pixelilor si informatiei
- fisierele header
- gestiunea fisierelor (1)
- Become a Google mapping expert
- Google Maps JavaScript API v3
- Google Maps JavaScript API v3 Examples
- How to create a cinematic video using Google Earth Studio - Pavel Supanenka (12')
- GEG Home
- Adnotari in Google Earth
- Suprapuneri de strate si fotografii in Google Earth
- Utilizarea vederii perspective in Google Earth
- Creara unui tur virtual cu naratiune in Google Earth
- Introducerea hartilor Google in site-uri web (varianta simpla...)
- Cartografierea propriilor date cu Spreadsheet Mapper 2.0
- Cartografierea propriilor date in format Excel cu EarthPoint]
- Google Maps New
- Google Maps Classic
- Google Geo Developers Blog
- Google Geo Developers - embed new Google Maps
- Google Maps Engine Lite
- Advanced GIS: Web GIS
Google Earth (GE) si Global Mapper (GM)
- GM extractia unui poligon
- GM gridding raster (obtinerea de subseturi raster pe baza unui caroiaj predefinit)
- GM exportul rasterelor in format *.kmz (GE super overlays)
- GE digitizare structurata - pregatirea spatiului de lucru
- GE digitizare structurata - digitizarea propriu-zisa
- GE&GM georeferentierea unei imagini salvata din GE
- GE digitizare (ex. 1)
- GM digitizar (ex. 2)
Microimages TNTmips v6.9
- 3D (obtinere MNT)
- creare vector nou
- utilizarea datelor climatice de la www.worldclim.org
- editare vectori
- versanti (umbrire, orientare, panta) (1)
- extractie raster cu masca vector
- extractie raster simpla
- georeferentiere raster prin corespondenta dupa un vector
- georeferentiere raster dupa coordonate
- paleta de culori
- layout de harta (1)
- layout de harta (2)
- layout de harta (3)
- histograma si paleta de culori
- import raster georeferentiat
- imagini satelitare: compozitii color
- import shapefile (*.shp)
- profile transversale
- SML (1)
- versanti (umbrire, orientare, panta) (2)
- SML orientare versanti
- snap vector
Tutoriale surse de date
- Surse de date spatiale: GLCF
- Surse de date spatiale: harti topografice sovietice
Global Mapper
Working with Vector Data in Global Mapper (Blue Marble Geographics) (1h52')
Raster Processing in Global Mapper (Blue Marble Geographics) (1h35')
Alte surse de tutoriale
Pentru iubitorii de imagini ale Terrei, din aer sau din spatiu...
- QGIS for absolute beginners
- www.terrainmap.com
- NASA Earth Observatory: How To Make a True-Color Landsat 8 Image in Adobe Photoshop
- GRASS: Processing Landsat 8 data in GRASS GIS 7: Import and visualization
- GRASS: Processing Landsat 8 data in GRASS GIS 7: RGB composites and pan sharpening
- Quantum GIS: Crearea unei hărți în QGIS (geo-spatial.org)
- Google Earth Pro - A Complete Beginner’s Guide
- Google Earth Pro Advanced Tutorial (Part 1, 2)
- Google Earth Studio - Creating Awesome GeoAnimations
- Google Earth transition for Reels & TikTok
- Getting started with Harvard WorldMap on AGOL (video, data set)
Pentru iubitorii de imagini ale Terrei, din aer sau din spatiu...
- EROS Earth as Art
- ISS Envy: Breathtaking Views of Earth
- NASA STS-134 Endeavour’s Last Ever Spacewalk
- NASA Nostalgia: Space Shuttle Atlantis
- NASA GSFC Scientific Visualization Studio
- NASA Visible Earth
- NASA EOL JSC The Gateway to Astronaut Photography of Earth
- ESO: Stargazing the Majestic Milky Way
- Google Earth, intre teledetectie si SIG
- ESA Multimedia Gallery
- Sentinel 2 cloudless map of the world
- SPOT Earth Gallery
- IKONOS Satellite Images
- ASTER Satellite Images
- EROS Satellite Images
- Geoeye-1 Satellite Images
- Quickbird Satellite Images
- Worldview-4 Satellite Images
- Worldview-3 Satellite Images
- Worldview-2 Satellite Images
- Worldview-1 Satellite Images
- Geoeye-1 Satellite Images
- Kompsat-3 Satellite Images
- Space Shuttle Gallery
- International Space Station Gallery
- Earth from Above
- 360cities
- Relentless spread of humanity
- Jason Hawkes Aerial Photography
- Britain from above
- AirPano
- Learn the fundamentals of image interpretation Explore and make sense of satellite and aerial imagery'
- NASA Earth Observatory Global Maps
- OSINT At Home - Bendobrown (playlist)
...si din adancurile apelor...
Va rugam sa lecturati si ghidul de supravietuire...
Po(z)na de moment :) (top)
Ultimele cutremure din Romania si magnitudinea lor, near real-time, ca m-am saturat de titlurile infecte din media. Faceti zoom si dati click in bulina care falfaie cu rosu (restul, mai spalacite, sunt cutremurele din ultimele 14 zile). Sursa: EMSC-CSEM


Vremea in Europa (infrarosu)
Vremea in Europa (precipitatii)
Statia Spatiala Internationala